My goals for this site are to help others with their health and nutrition goals. This can include improved sports performance, weight loss, increased energy, and better health. I have included sections on suggestions of what to eat and recipes.
My goals for this site are to help others with their health and nutrition goals. This can include improved sports performance, weight loss, increased energy, and better health. I have included sections on suggestions of what to eat and recipes.
Healthy Girl, you are AWESOME!!!
I just finished my 14-Day Challenge yesterday and lost 10lbs! I’m so happy about those results.. Advocare is amazing.
I received a shipment of new things today in the mail that I cannot wait to try. I purchased Leptilean AND Thermoplus and also Omegaplex. Can I take these together? What are your suggestions for how I space them out?
I know we are not supposed to drink fruit juices, but V8 has a “Diet” Splash called Tropical Blend. It is all natural fruit juice with no high fructose corn syrup. It has only 10 calories, 3 carbs, and 2 sugars. It does contain Sucralose. I like to use this in fruit smoothies for a snack. What do you think?
@ Gregg,
For best results avoid juice and use whole fruit.
Thanks for putting all this information into one place. Advocare looks pretty amazing and you can’t argue with results like yours.
I have type 2 diabetes , would the 24 Day challenge plan impact my sugar control.
@ Quincy,
Always check with your doctor. Also this may help.
What else can I mix with the fiber drink so that it can go down smoothly? Just starting the 10 day cleanse and day one was hard getting down the fiber drink. Also, the next day I woke up with a bad headache I wonder if I didn’t eat enough.
See this FAQ
i was told to use orange juice with high pulp goes down better
@ Jenn,
No juice. You can add Spark, but the best method is mix really well with cold water and chug it. 🙂
I was wondering about the use of organic honey (in small amounts of course) I am on day 2 of the cleanse.
@ Michele,
Avoid honey.
What’s the best way to take both catalysts and theromplus? I am in the 14 day phase?
@ Kim,
Take 1 Thermoplus and 3 Catalyst half hour before a breakfast and lunch (on an emptly stomach).
I am on day two of the 24day challenge – so far so good. It is super easy to do. I have substituted my usual coffee (I usually have coffee three times during the day) for Spark – which is delicious! How bad would it be for me to have one 12oz cup of brewed coffee each day? No sugar, no syrups, just a little cream.
No coffee or cream on the cleanse. Enjoy your Spark and drink lots of water.
what is the difference in thermoplus and leptilean? can they be taken together?
Read the 2 descriptions:
Click on underneath the picture.
Don’t use during the cleanse, but after is fine.